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Singapore Airlines SQ 192 – Singapore (SIN) to Penang, Malaysia (PEN) – First Class

Business Class Flight, First Class Experience

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Flight Information: Singapore Airlines SQ 192 – Singapore (SIN) to Penang, Malaysia (PEN) – Flight SQ 192 A leader in airline innovation in terms of service and in-flight luxury, and also known as an industry bellwether for aircraft purchases, Singapore Airlines is one of the world’s leading and preferred airlines. (Click here to read our Singapore hotel and restaurant reviews and click here to read our Penang resort and restaurant reviews.)

In this flight, we just came from a connecting flight from Dubai to Singapore, first class, and were on our way to our final destination, Penang, Malaysia, business class. The estimated travel time was about one hour—just enough time to serve breakfast.

Check-In: As we were connecting from Dubai, there was no need to check in.

First Impressions: The plane was new, clean, and updated, and smelled as fresh as it looked. The moment I stepped in, I immediately felt like I was in a Business Class cabin, having the same look and feel as international Business Class flights that I’ve been on. It was very impressive, considering that this was a regional flight with only less than an hour of travel time. This cabin was even much nicer than the previous plane we were on for our Singapore Air flight from Dubai to Singapore, which had outdated seats and a worn look.

The Cabin: The cabin featured leather SpaceBed seats with a 2x2x2 seating configuration of five rows. It was as spacious as the configuration would allow, and had a very comfortable yet corporate ambiance to it.

The Flight (Service/Food/Drink): The in-flight service was good, efficient, warm, and pleasant. With just over an hour to serve breakfast and drinks, they did a good job. We could not have asked for anything better for such a short flight.

For breakfast I had the noodles and seafood, while my friend had the traditional omelet with sausage. I had the better choice between us two, as the seafood was fresh and the light sauce was perfect for giving me a boost that early in the morning. The omelet, on the other hand, was dry and tasteless.

Arrival: Our arrival in Penang was on-time. Immigration in Malaysia was fast and easy, however, there was a long wait of about 20 to 30 minutes for our bags to arrive.

Overall Impression The flight from Singapore to Penang was quick, easy, and carefree. For an hour’s flight, I could not have asked for more. The in-flight crew did a great job. Not only did they make sure that all of our needs were met, they made us feel wanted and welcomed. I give this business class flight from Singapore to Penang a rating of Bombastic!

Additional Information:
Flight Time: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes

Airline Partners:: Air Canada, Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana Airlines, Austrian, BMI, Egyptair, Lot Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, SAS, South African Airways, Spainair, Swiss Air, TAP Portugal, Thai Air, Turkish Airlines, United, US Airways, Air China, Shanghai Airlines. Other Airline Partners: Delta, Mexicana, SilkAir, Virgin

Airport Codes:
Singapore – SIN
Penang, Malaysia – PEN

Be sure to read our Singapore hotel and restaurant reviews and our Penang resort and restaurant reviews.

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