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Resort reviews, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews, flight reviews and travel reviews all can be found in pages of Bombastic Life, the home for the plain and simple truth about luxury hotels, five-star resorts, great restaurants, first class airline flights and other travel related items. What makes us different from the other travel sites and travel magazines?
The fact that we visit each property "undercover", at our expense so that we can give true, unbiased and independent resort reviews, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and first class and business class airline flight reviews. Plus, the fact that we have visited over 1000 properties ourselves, so we know what to expect from a luxury hotel, resort and restaurant. Simply put, we are luxury travel experts.
Why do we do this? Because over the past few years we have been around the world (over 50 countries and countless cities) and during our travels, or should I say, prior to each new trip, as we plan our vacation and plan on making our accommodation reservations and book our travel; as we searched travel websites and found it difficult to find unbiased or trustworthy resort reviews and other travel reviews.
We decided that we could help fill that gap and become trip-advisers for other travelers, so we began inspecting rooms, hotels, resorts, restaurants and first class airline flights, making notes, taking pictures and capturing the bad, the good, the great and the bombastic places we visit, everything needed to write independent resort reviews, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and travel reviews.
After 11 years of traveling the world and writing travel reviews, we have decided to take our passion for travel one step further and became Luxury Travel Advisors. Now, not only can you learn from our travels here on Bombastic Life, you can also have us directly help you so your next trip is Bombastic! Visit The Luxury Travel Agency's website.