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Olympus C-5060 Digital Camera

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C-5060 Digital Camera

I bought this camera just before going to Paris in December of 2003.I was thrilled with it. Let's just say it was Bombastic. Everything I wanted in a camera. Big enough to feel like a "real" camera, small enough to carry with me everywhere. Easy to use, lots of storage (used both card slots), great zoom, long battery. BOMBASTIC!

In July of 2004 I took the camera to Miami and Turks and Caicos with me. To my disappointment, the camera started malfunctioning and that was the end of the beautiful pictures. Good thing is I got tons of great pictures before it broke.

I called Olympus when I got back and they were great about getting it repaired. Within a few weeks I had my camera back and it was working GREAT or shall I say, BOMBASTIC.

In November of 2004 I took the camera with me to South Africa. To my utter disappointment, it broke AGAIN! Same thing, but this time it was before I was able to take many pictures. Imagine being on safari for the first time and NOT having your camera. What a disappointment. That was NOT BOMBASTIC!

When I returned to the States I called Olympus, they wanted me to send the camera back in for repairs. I explained that was not an option this time. I had the camera break on two different trips and the holidays were coming up and I was not going to take the chance of not having it or just as bad, having it but having it break on me again!

I can say Olympus was not very interested in replacing my camera (which I had less for less than one year) but after much back and forth they finally came around and replaced my camera.

Once it was all said and done, I'm happy to call not only my Olympus, C-5060 digital camera but Olympus as a customer oriented company, BOMBASTIC.

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